Wednesday, August 5, 2015


While at the beach, Grace got to go on her first kayaking trip!  We went to a nearby lake that was nice and calm.  She was very excited and talked about when we were going to go kayaking for days in advance.

Clara had to stay on shore, but she enjoyed sitting in the boat.

I think it lived up to the anticipation!

The lilypads were flowering and they were beautiful.  Grace insisted we take a couple back home with us.

Clara was glad to have us back on shore!

A picture cannot capture the beauty of being surrounded by these blossoms.


  1. Such pretty blossoms! Looks like a fun time.

  2. We have fond memories and some wonderful photos of our kayaking adventure in that lake. The lily blossoms are so beautiful!

  3. I should have said "on" or "at" that lake. We weren't actually "in" it. We experienced no capsized kayaks, thank goodness. :D

  4. haha, I knew what you meant, but that certainly does imply an adventure!!
