Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 11

We are so excited!  While we were at work today, the professionals we hired put in the header!  Finally,the first step toward putting our house back together! 

It only took them three hours to do it, plus however many hours it took us to demolish the wall before that, but it was worth it, don't you think? 

Jason surveys the work. 

Obviously, an electrician is needed to help us with these random hanging wires.  That, and we need to turn those wall air vents into floor air vents.  Those are the next projects for the next couple days, and then we can start putting the drywall back up with insulation!  


  1. Hurray! It already looks so much better with the header there.

  2. Wow - Rebecca, it's coming right along! You'll be all done and moved in before you know it!
