Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 227

Sadly, we are still not upstairs yet.  We've been waiting for the floor guys for 2 weeks now.  They seemed a bit contrite about that when Jason called this morning, so they seemed sincere when they said they would come over on Wednesday.  Everyone, cross your fingers!

We had Brian the landscaper come over with his crew and help us clean up the mess that is the backyard!  It has been raining all day, and I didn't want to get my camera all wet, so I took these pictures in a hurry.  Also, they were supposed to come back this afternoon to collect all the debris and deliver a huge pile of mulch, but sadly, that didn't happen either.  Hopefully tomorrow this will happen, and then I'll take some pictures of the finished product!  In this picture, you can see the little garden Jason started.  He put up the fencing to protect it from bunnies because we see a lot of them hopping through our yard. 
Does anyone know what this is?  No, this isn't a fun quiz; I really want to know what this is.  Brian didn't know.  He thought it could be asparagus, but unless it is some kind of giant asparagus, I really don't think so.  I don't know what to do with it either.  Is this a pretty landscaping plant?  I'm leaning toward no right now. 
The landscapers edged out a defined line in between the plant beds and the grass area.  I really appreciated Brian's artistic vision!  It looks much better than I thought it would.  I'm very excited to see what it will look like with the mulch!  The landscapers were a little haughty at first, but Brian told us they hate people that don't take care of their yards.  He defended us to them.  It isn't our fault that this place was neglected for a year!  They had to hack some things way down, but when they grow back I think the place will be quite presentable! 


  1. I know it will look as spectacular as the inside of your house! You and Jason have impeccable taste!

  2. Maybe you have been blessed with GIANT asparagus! Sell it to science and one day you will be responsible for feeding the world.
