Saturday, November 7, 2015

November update

It's time for a random post!

Clara is currently sick.  She has had a cold for a couple weeks now.  She refuses to blow her nose, but of course it is constantly dripping, so she is begging one of us every 30 seconds to wipe her nose for her.  We're trying to get her to do it herself, though Grace loves to run and get a tissue to help her out!  Daylight savings also messed them up for a bit.  They were getting up at 5:30 am ready to go, but Mom and Dad weren't feeling it!  Things seem to be evening out now.  Clara has been generally grumpy because of all this, and also she has been resisting naps.  She does occasionally take one but more often than not she doesn't.  On those days, she has trouble controlling her feelings at the end of the day.  She's two!  Grace is so patient and tries to cheer her up when she is upset.  She is a fantastic big sister!

Clara is super glad that her eyes have a clean bill of health after her surgeries!  She doesn't have to be back here anytime soon.  Grace on the other hand had a dentist appointment and it sounds like we most likely have some serious dental issues to deal with in the next few years.  I wouldn't expect anything less after the nightmare of a mouth I had!

Grace has gotten better at riding her bike!  Daddy and I take turns taking her out to our neighborhood park where it is completely flat and it is enclosed from traffic.  We try and get exercise by running alongside her.  She likes to stop and pick crab apples for her dragons to eat.  She crashes a lot but she gets back on and keeps trying!  I'm so proud of her, especially since I can't do it myself.

Grace is taking swim lessons again and she loves it!  She is in her second session and she is definitely the bravest in her class now.  I bet she will be go on to the next level next session!

We've been exploring other parks lately.  The weather has been so fantastic, we just have to take advantage!

I don't know if this is normal for a city this size, but it sure seems like our town has a lot of parks.  We need to explore them all!

Grace loved helping me make her costume, by the way.  She loves creating just like her mama!  It is awesome for me to have a crafting partner.  I've been trying to take her to as many opportunities as I can, like a class at the art museum and a local kid crafting place.  I feel like this year is precious because next year, kindergarten is from 9 am to 4 pm!  I'm trying to soak up every minute that I get.

I try not to repeat pictures too much between insta and the blog, but this one is so cute.  My moody girl knows how to turn on the charm when a camera is in front of her!  


  1. We loved the Kroc Center for swimming lessons. Such a fantastic facility!

  2. Your life is so busy! How do you do it? :)

  3. Let's all drive Hummers to keep this global warming going!

  4. ^^^ :D !

    Sounds like you're all having an amazing autumn! Love the darling pics.
