Friday, August 29, 2014

Clara Walks

Clara walks finally!  It is funny that both my girls took their time with this milestone.  They are cautious, we think!  It is sweet to see Grace cheering her on.  She loves to give people "presents"!

This was first thing in the morning, so please excuse the bedhead.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Bicycles, Doctors and Sisters

Grace received a balance bike for her birthday!

She enjoys riding around the house.  She is quite slow still but she has always been a cautious girl.

We take it outside sometimes and she rides up and down the driveway.

Jason and Avery stayed with us for a couple days while Jason was in between summer gigs.  He was feeling sick but I think the girls fixed him up nicely with Grace's doctor set.

Doctor Grace and Doctor Avery know just what to do!

Clara loves to see what big sister is doing!  Here, Grace is playing with water in the sink, something that can entertain her for quite some time.  Clara would love to get in there too!  Grace gets annoyed sometimes when Clara breaks up her race track or destroys her tower, but for the most part I think she seems pretty patient with her.  She often invites Clara to play and Clara always obliges!

Grace loves to play with Clara in her crib.  Sometimes they are in there giggling and laughing and mom and dad actually get a break for a moment!  It usually ends with Clara getting upset because Grace is playing too rough, but it is nice for a while.

Grace starts school next week!  Stay tuned for pictures from that!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Balsam Lake - The Wildlife

There was a lot to see at Balsam Lake!

I'm pretty pleased with this picture of Eric!  I don't know if it ever made it as his profile picture on Facebook, but it should have.  He really enjoyed the fishing at the lake, and managed to catch several (can't remember the exact count) bass or something.

Another great fishing shot.  Jason also participated and had some good male bonding, I think.

We spied this Bald Eagle several times!

These pictures were made possible with my telephoto (thanks Dad!).

These loons went swimming by at sunset one night.

There was also a family of loons living right near the house!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Clara Has Surgery

Clara had surgery last week because she had a blocked tear duct.

She was very patient while all the nurses poked and prodded.  They kept commenting on how good she was being!  She kept asking for Grace, which was very sweet.

She was able to take her little blanket and stuffed kitty with her.  After the surgery, it was a bit rough.  She was hysterical for what seemed like forever.  I just held her in my arms in a dark patient room until she was calm.

She enjoyed her celebratory yogurt afterward, but you can tell she has been through the ringer.

She is 14 months old, and still isn't walking!  We know it will happen eventually.  We are really enjoying her new vocabulary!  It gets bigger every day.

No one lifts her spirits like Daddy!