Grace has never been a huge fan of water. She was afraid of the bath for the first few months of life, but is now starting to enjoy it and splash a bit. She also enjoys playing with the water when we wash her hands. We thought it was time for her to experience a swimming pool!
We decided to go swimming at the hotel in Utah, and here she is getting ready in her pink tutu swim suit. She looks a little unsure of what we are about to do.
She was only sort of okay with the swimming pool experience, but she definitely enjoyed watching Grandudes blow bubbles. He has expert level experience entertaining kids in pools.
It was a windy day in Utah, and we had to stay submerged to keep warm!
It was a windy day in Utah, and we had to stay submerged to keep warm!
Hopefully she will enjoy it even more when we visit Grandma and Grandpa in Tucson this Christmas! They put in a pool at their new home and I for one can't wait to try it out. I have very happy memories of visiting my grandparents and swimming in their pool, so I can't wait to make memories playing with Grace in HER grandparents' pool!
That was a fun day! So many good memories from that trip.