Sunday, August 22, 2010

I hope Jacques the Peacock doesn't damage Roslyn for life

While on vacation last month, Jason and I attended a baby shower for my long time friend Karen and her husband Mike.
Here she is looking gorgeous as usual!  Karen has always had the most contagious and charming smile!  
Karen and Mike look pretty uncertain that these items were on their registry, but I assure you they were!  We gave them a Munchkin Magic Mozart Cube that plays music and a Lamaze Jacques the Peacock.  We went to Babies R Us while in Portland to get the gift, and I was intending to purchase something useful and hopefully cute, like some baby blankets.  I wanted everyone at the baby shower to ooh and ahh at the cuteness of my gift, so I was planning to avoid the first aide kit and the diaper pail.  Let me warn you, shopping for registry items at Babies R Us is the MOST frustrating endeavor ever!  None of the aisles are labeled, so we ended up wandering around looking aimlessly for specific items like a tigger burp rag or a monkey shaped feeding spoon which were nowhere to be found.  Finally, we just went to the toy aisle and we were able to find these two things and we called it good. 
We thought the Lamaze Jacques the Peacock looked a little demented, but if they put it on their registry they must want it we thought, and we really wanted to leave the store so we didn't care at this point.  We provided gift receipts just in case.  Maybe Karen's pregnant mind made her think this was cute?  It is okay to return it, my friend!  Hopefully your daughter will love it, but I'm not taking credit for any damage this thing may cause. 
   Roslyn Eileen was born August 5th to two very wonderful parents!  Congratulations you two! 


  1. Thanks for sharing this about your friends. Roslyn looks beautiful. Just the by the by, Carl and I had a similar experience at Babies R Us when we were registering for baby items. It was incredibly overwhelming. I left feeling defeated . . .so I completed our registry online in the comfort of my own home.

  2. Oh my gosh, Karen was such a pretty pretty pregnant lady! And Roslyn-- what a little gem!
