Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 214

Check this out!  We have crown molding on our cabinets!  
We had a guy come over today and install it, because we were too nervous to do it ourselves.  No one will see the plumbing that isn't the prettiest, but since we'll be looking at the crown every day, it needs to look perfect. 
Jason and I are totally thrilled by how good it looks!  The under cabinet molding will nicely hide the lighting we plan to install someday. 
Not only do they look complete now, they look like a beautiful work of art.  Jason wanted me to take a picture of the detail work the guy did on these corners.  If he hadn't put that little angle in the crown, we wouldn't be able to open this door all the way.  Functional details are the best! 
The only sad thing is that we ran out of molding.  We need 8 more feet to complete this bit over the fridge.  So close!  We'll order some more and Jason can probably figure out how to install the last bit.  

And Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, kind, sweet and loving mother ever!  


  1. Rebecca, you must resemble your beautiful mother. Happy Birthday, Rebecca's Mom!

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the molding in the kitchen. It all looks so divine!

    Very excited to see the house, indeed!

  2. Wowie zowie, that looks fantastic!

    Happy belated birthday, Jan!

  3. So when's the party? :)

  4. When we get the floor guys to come over and finish the floors, and when we get all our furniture moved in! Soon, Soon!
