Thursday, July 30, 2015

Family Sand Castle

Everyone joined in making a sand castle on the beach.

It reminded me of the many sand castles my sister and I have made together in our youth.

Grace loved digging and filling the moat.

The finished product!

Grace is too cool for group pictures :)

Clara enjoyed being buried over and over again.

Grace was proud to do this castle all by herself!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Clara's First Day at the Beach

After the weekend in Hood River, we zoomed over to the beach to spend a couple days with my parents and sister!

Clara got to experience the ocean for the first time.

It happened to be a chilly day, but it is safe to say she loved it!  But how couldn't she?

An endless sandbox and waves to chase are the makings of childhood heaven!

A family portrait


We did a lot of this

here it comes!

On a side note, looking at these pictures make me realize that I've let my weight creep up a bit.  Since we've been back, I've implemented a post vacation weight loss goal of ten pounds.  I don't think it will be too difficult; I plan to eat less, drink less, and exercise occasionally.  I've been pretty neglectful in all of those areas!  Since Thursday, I've lost 2 pounds and it hasn't even been a week yet!  It is probably bloat and water weight, but I'm counting it anyway :)  I'll let you all know when I reach my goal!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Ella On Our Family

Our niece Ella describes the picture that Sophia drew with much enthusiasm!

Ella is legally blind, but she doesn't let that stop her!  She can make out shapes if she stands very closely to things, and she is very good at seeing colors.  Running through the house with abandon, she will topple over their yellow dog standing on their yellow kitchen floor, but she can easily identify the doll with the blue dress.  She is a spunky girl and I look forward to watching her conquer her world!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Hood River July 5th

While in Hood River, we took a walk next to Ian's house while Sophia was getting her weekly immunity treatment.

We're off!

Did I mention this is right outside his house?  Oregonians are so spoiled.

Grace was excited about this tree bark because it reminded her of Beatrix Potter's Squirrel Nutkin story.

The brothers went for a bike ride!

The cousins stayed home and played with blocks

and made nature art on the porch!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hood River July Fourth


The first stop was Hood River to visit Jason's brother and his two daughters, Sophia and Ella.

It was extremely hot, so we tried to think of ways to keep cool.  

We went swimming in the river.

Our girls were a bit chicken but it did the trick to cool us off.

We played at the park.

On the Fourth of July, Jason's mother Marianne came to visit along with her husband Michael and his sister Ilona.

We sat in the shade in the front yard while the girls got crazy in the sprinkler.

Grace made up a game collecting leaves and got everyone involved.

Michael loves to take portraits and he took some lovely ones on this trip.

Sophia, almost 7

Ella, almost 5