Thursday, July 25, 2013


Clara started smiling on Saturday, and I've been trying to catch it on camera to prove it to you!

This is a Mona Lisa smile, but not what I'm talking about.

This is closer!

I was trying to catch it here but didn't quite get it with her eyes open.

Back to Mona Lisa.

Grace has no problem with the concept!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

2 Years Old!

Gracie turned 2 years old today!

She had a peanut butter and chocolate ice box cake that she loved!  We told her to make a wish and I hope she did.

She spent the majority of the morning in her new sandbox!  She received lots of fun sandbox toys.

Today felt like a celebration for our whole family, not just for the birthday girl.  Our little girl is so wonderful, so grown up, such a joy on this and every day!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Red, White and TWO!

Grace had her 2nd birthday party!

She loved her cupcake and didn't even make that big of a mess!

Because their birthdays are two weeks apart and because they're such good friends, we decided to join forces with Avery's parents and do a joint party.  I'm really happy that we did!

Avery looked beautiful in her striped dress.

Avery has a sandbox and Grace spent the majority of the party playing in it!

(Luckily, Grace is getting a sandbox for her birthday that Jason is still putting together!  Shhh!)

Grace was reluctant in the swimming pool but the other kids were very enthusiastic!

She LOVED her party.  When we were driving home, she kept saying "Again!"  "Again!"  

Monday, July 1, 2013

Four Weeks Old!

Clara is 4 weeks old today!

She is more alert and enjoys watching her big sister play.  We wished she slept more and longer, but I'm very thankful that I get to take this time off and that Jason has time off also.  I can't imagine trying to work right now!  We are exhausted!

Big sister loves to watch Clara too!  Grace is protective of her baby sister and loves helping and doing things for her.