Monday, June 24, 2013

Three Weeks Old!

Clara is three weeks old today!

Sleeping is hit or miss but she is otherwise a very relaxed and easy going baby!  She would be content to snuggle on your chest all night and day.  

Grace loves her little sister!  She shares toys with her constantly, even her favorite kitty!  

We drape a blanket over this baby mat and it becomes a fort.  Grace insists that Clara join her in the fort every time she plays in it.  She is very gentle and sweet with her!

I know that things won't always be perfect, but I'm excited to see how their relationship grows!

Jon and Roberta left yesterday, but not before baking some cookies with Grace!  She loved dumping the ingredients in the mixer.  We used GG's recipe.  

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Grandpa Does Double Duty

Grandma and Grandpa are visiting from Tucson!  

Clara is making use of all the available laps.

Grandpa entertains both of them while Grace gets a card lesson!  Impressive!

Monday, June 10, 2013

One Week Old!

Clara is one week old today!

So far, recovery for me has been a bit harder.  For one thing, rest is more difficult with a toddler demanding attention.  Grammy and Jason are doing wonderfully helping me out, but some things are still a challenge.  This morning, Grace wanted attention from ME but Clara needed to eat.  I feel badly about this and I hope in the future Grace will let me read books and things with her during feedings.  

Grace goes back and forth between being excited and thoughtful with her baby sister, and jealous and cranky.  I can certainly understand, and I imagine it will take some time for the family dynamic to settle in.  Clara is not sleeping much at night and that is exhausting for us all.  We're hoping that turns around ASAP!   

Friday, June 7, 2013

Clara Lynn

June 3rd, 2013

3:42 pm

8 pounds, 1 ounce, 20 inches

So far, she has been very easy going and we are grateful!  Grace adores being a big sister.  She asks to hold her all the time and says "I love Clara."  I'm pretty sore from surgery but recovering well with the doting help of Grammy and Jason!