Friday, March 30, 2012

Grace is our real slim shady

Check it out, Grace can pull herself to standing!  I like to imagine "Also Sprach" while watching this video.
She is such a determined little girl!  We love her so much.  

Monday, March 26, 2012

Made it through another one

My annual recital was this weekend!  It is always a ton of work but Jason helps me a lot with getting ready, setting up and serving the cookies and punch.  This year we had another little helper, and everyone was excited to meet her. 
Here she is helping with the cookies.  She is very good at sitting up now, and goes from her belly to sitting up effortlessly.  She is still scooting rather than crawling mostly but we have seen her crawl on her knees a few times.  She is pretty fast either way!  She also sits on her knees and has climbed up things to a standing position.  She is still very wiggly, and I'm sure as soon as she figures it out she will be running every which way!

Monday, March 19, 2012

The word I've been waiting to hear

Grace has been saying it a lot, both when we encourage her and also voluntarily.  She says it specifically to me, so I think she knows what it means!  Yesterday, I came home from a morning gig and she was saying it as soon as I walked in the door.  It melts our hearts!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

8 Months Old!

Time is just flying to us.  I keep thinking how her 1 year old birthday will be here before I know it!  This is a really busy time of year for us, but I didn't want to leave you all hanging without some new pictures of Grace.
Everyone knows that cats are a big deal in my side of the family, and Grace is following suit.  We know cats are a big deal to her too because she gets VERY excited when she sees one.  Our cat Tosca knows to stay juuuust out of reach, but she likes to be admired from afar.  Grace has a stuffed kitty that she sleeps with every night that she just adores.  "Cat" is also one of her words, but we don't know if she is just saying the sounds or if she actually knows what it means.  So anyway, this little pink jumper with embroidered kitties is perfect for her!  
Sometimes we babysit our friend's baby, Avery.  Grace and Avery are very much into each other, and they are "mandatory friends" as Erica says.  They like to reach out and touch each other's faces and grab toys from each other.  Luckily neither seems to care about an occasional finger in the eye and both are excellent at sharing.  I had high hopes for this pose, but sadly it is really impossible to get a picture of two smiling babies plus a flattering husband shot, so this is what I have.  Both girls look a little dismayed at my wild dancing and waving.  Sorry sweeties, hope it wasn't too traumatizing!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

We could be twins

I was carded today!  We all went out to lunch and I was carded on my first full day of thirty.  What could be better?

We match!  How impressed are you with our cutsie picture?

Friday, March 2, 2012

Thirty Years Old!

No that isn't a typo, because this posting isn't about Grace for once.  It is about me!  Yes, I turn 30 today and I am bravely launching into my 30's with no trepidation.  My 20's were fantastic.  I married the man I love and we have a beautiful life together with our baby girl.  We remodeled this home and carved out a living for ourselves in this place that grows on us little by little.  But I am really looking forward to my 30's and I think they will be even better.

In Oregon, my birthday was firmly rooted in spring.  The crocuses have already come and gone and the daffodils are in full bloom.  I've had to get used to the idea of my birthday taking place in the winter since moving here because usually on my birthday there is a blizzard or at least a ton of snow on the ground.  This is the first year that it has felt like spring and it is a fabulous birthday present.  Look at the naked ladies poking up already!  Hopefully there isn't a cold snap in our future because these ladies will be chilly!

But what would a blog posting be without a picture of Gracie?  

Here she is doing what she does best:  wiggling!

Happy March to you all.  I hope your day is as great as mine!