My new favorite thing is to sit in the living room with the fireplace turned on! I never knew how much I would love having a gas fireplace. When I thought of fireplaces before, I thought of my mom getting up every morning to light a fire in the basement to heat the house in the winter, and the carbon monoxide alarm going off constantly. Either we don't have a problem with this at our house, or the batteries are dead in our monoxide alarms. Flipping a switch for an instant fire is probably the greatest thing ever, and now that I'm spoiled with fireplaces, I don't think I could ever live without one. That is unless we move to Florida!
Tosca is in agreement, but then anything involving sitting and warmth is her cup of tea! It is getting colder here, so this is the first time we've really been able to enjoy the upstairs fireplace. This time last year we had no floors and were in firm denial about the length of time our project was going to take.
This is going to sound silly I'm sure, but another one of my favorite things is picking out the weekly table decorations. I enjoy picking out a table runner or cloth and finding an object in my home that would make a good centerpiece. I'm sure by the end of my life I will have amassed enough table runners to have a different one every week all year with no repeats (hint hint relatives who don't know what to buy for me at gift giving occasions!). I am very enthralled with my new Pottery Barn table runner, and I think my Grandma's cracker dish goes well with it. This has actually been the table decorations for a couple weeks now, but both items are new acquisitions and I'm not through enjoying them yet! Next week I'll have to get out the obligatory Christmas decor, but for now I think these colors are "Fallish" enough.
I FINALLY finished these paintings for our bedroom. I have had these half done for months now, and I spent many hours finishing them up. These are the largest paintings I've ever attempted and I had no idea how time consuming they would be! I don't pretend that they are anything but amateur, but I'm pleased with how they turned out. I had fun making them, and we needed something in this big empty space anyway!